Laberinto Soledad

Neue Ruhr Zeitung, Essen

Poesie, Klage und Philosophie - profunde Flamencothemen finden ihren Ausdruck in Musik und Tanz. Die fünf Tänzerinnen zeigen einem begeisterten Publikum, dass Flamenco mehr als Folklore ist.

Neue Ruhr Zeitung, Essen, 31.03.2003

Der Bund

Fredrik Gille, the percussionist, releases sounds and motifs from the darkness. He claps and rattles, rubs and strokes everything he lays hands on. An initiation which he uses to render quietness porous. Until it disintegrates: in metallic, soft, wooden tones and rhythms; Juan Gomez, the guitarist takes them up consolidating them to a living carpet of music in one continuous arc of tension. And in between, Keiko Ooka sings "Aiiii" so expressively. "Aiii." Tearing a wound in the sensitive texture with her lament. What a tri-angled dialogue ! It is not the only one that takes your breath away during the evening. The clarity of the choreography, the precise footwork right into the pianissimo by the five soloists, the stark grace of their serpentine arms, the unpretentious naturalness: they exceed themselves in perfect interplay that is far more than the sum of the individual parts. The refined dance and musical culture of the chamber-dance-evening leaves a lasting impression.

Der Bund, 01.03.2002

Berner Rundschau

In the original performance of Fragmentos 3 - Laberinto Soledad, last October, flamenco becomes a fulminating experience, pure intensive dance that changes in a "labyrinth of loneliness" evoking profound emotions and with the multifaceted body language of the flamenco compounds loneliness in personalised and differentiated visions.

Berner Rundschau, 01.03.2002

Corriere della Sera, Milano

The artists of the dance company Flamencos en route under the artistic director Brigitta Luisa Merki r eturn to the Theater Litta every year - and every time is a success. They show their deservedly loyal public a differentiated vision of Spanish dance. A divided, metal cylinder on rollers, refuge of the nomadic spirit, releases each dancer on to the stage with her primal and personal force and themes. In the soli of the five dancers the audience enjoy a crescendo of virtuoso achievements that can only be met with enthusiastic applause.

Corriere della Sera, Milano, 08.11.2001

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

With this continuity-oriented product in the small, intimate atmosphere (Kellertheater), Flamencos en route has shown how versatile, how alive and how sustainable the impressions of flamenco on stage can be.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 15.10.2001

Aargauer Zeitung

The jointly created choreography encircles the loneliness theme beautifully, the reticence of the beginning merges beautifully and immediately into heady outbreaks lending each of the dancers an incomparable profile. There is no doubt about it, this is a first rate showpiece but - and that is what is so striking about Fragmentos 3 - there is no personality projection.

Aargauer Zeitung, 01.10.2001